artificial city

5 February 2010, today i ate dinner with my friend from Turky, and we talk about city, kind of Vienna, Seoul, Beijing, Istanbul, Roma ,etc.
and so funny thing is system of city represent the character of national,
kind of vienna look like really well arranged , for instance some ring shape of road surround the center of city, also really long stright load connected important building that Kunsthalle, Mumok, or few of traditional and symbolic buildings, only thing need just go a straight, this kind of system or figure of city well connected the mood of nation,
for instance seoul is so funny and interest city,
at first seoul waa quite small but many people started gether at there, and seoul started huge, and almost 2 times bigger than before, Seoul have a big river, the river wide like 1km, it's quite big and long, and at first upper side seoul developed than underside of seoul, many many important traditional buildings are exist these kind of buildings are exist in only this part of seoul, and after that seoul start bigger, but at that time, Korea economy and political and law system are really similar with u,s,a cus, we just follow the system it, cus we are so fastly want to developed and we just follow the big huge and powerful nation without estimation, and south direction of seoul shape of load is like manhattan in NY, very well blocks,

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