-->model for model

start point of the idea. when i visited Wien november 2009, I walked on the street, I saw densely gather galleries and realize galleries are looks like frames for painting or vitrines for sculpture, like Mark Quinn's 'self' sculpture by his blood,
In museum, precious sculptures are often surrounded by clean and transparency vitrine.
Also most of galleries have big and clean glass windows for make clear what gallery show at the moment. this window role like vitrine or frame. Gallery is the place that involve artworks and role like vitrine for works.
Therefore we can look most of art pieces from outside of gallery through the big window. Only thing what we need to do is walk on the street with watching gallery from outside. this like one carefully stare jewelry shop's vitrine,
art piece arranged for fitting with the gallery
Also I saw very often this kind of art galleries mainly in big city. For instance in vienna, berlin, seoul, beijing, paris, london, ect,
everything is look so similar for me, every works look like similar, i just guess the reason,
i think the reason is the space are more and more similar in everywhere,
i mean galleries functions are changed , now a day, they are looks like art piece,
this is quite interesting for me,
so, i want to make it small like nomalr art peice and built something with regular boxes.
첫 아이디어의 출발, 11월 21일 Wien에 갔을때, 한 겔러리를 본적이 있는데,
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