The Sight was strange to Me
It's about a question, how people act when they are in strange place. what people will do first when they want to adjust in new place.
The Sight was Strange to Me_2009_in Linz
boxs for putting art
-->model for model

start point of the idea. when i visited Wien november 2009, I walked on the street, I saw densely gather galleries and realize galleries are looks like frames for painting or vitrines for sculpture, like Mark Quinn's 'self' sculpture by his blood,
In museum, precious sculptures are often surrounded by clean and transparency vitrine.
Also most of galleries have big and clean glass windows for make clear what gallery show at the moment. this window role like vitrine or frame. Gallery is the place that involve artworks and role like vitrine for works.
Therefore we can look most of art pieces from outside of gallery through the big window. Only thing what we need to do is walk on the street with watching gallery from outside. this like one carefully stare jewelry shop's vitrine,
art piece arranged for fitting with the gallery
Also I saw very often this kind of art galleries mainly in big city. For instance in vienna, berlin, seoul, beijing, paris, london, ect,
everything is look so similar for me, every works look like similar, i just guess the reason,
i think the reason is the space are more and more similar in everywhere,
i mean galleries functions are changed , now a day, they are looks like art piece,
this is quite interesting for me,
so, i want to make it small like nomalr art peice and built something with regular boxes.
첫 아이디어의 출발, 11월 21일 Wien에 갔을때, 한 겔러리를 본적이 있는데,
hair curve knife
This work represent respecting of one person and declaration of concentrate my personal way of expression.
I love Marcel Duchamp because I think he really well use his personally and secretly way of expression to his work, but far from his way of expression, many people like what he thought, how he thought. his power of influence was work until now, so strongly. I think the one of reason why his works are called master piece is he tried to put his personal concept and people can feel how he enjoyed when he invented way of showing the work,
so now i get many support to expression my own thinking and my personal things,
In this work, I put my respecting feeling to Duchamp by using his process of make art, the work is '3 Standard Stoppages'

It is "a joke about the meter," Duchamp glibly noted about this piece, but his premise for it reads like a theorem: "If a straight horizontal thread one meter long falls from a height of one meter onto a horizontal plane twisting as it pleases[it] creates a new image of the unit of length." Duchamp dropped three threads one meter long from the height of one meter onto three stretched canvases. The threads were then adhered to the canvases to preserve the random curves they assumed upon landing. The canvases were cut along the threads' profiles, creating a template of their curves creating new units of measure that retain the length of the meter but undermine its rational basis. < from Moma homepage >
This process is quite funny and creative, i can imagine when he make it, he throw thread in the studio floor by himself, it's quite funny, because this work is so nice and make me think he is genius, but this processed very silently and secretly,
for instance, if people saw one kid do like this on the small street, nomally people are not too much care about this action, i like this way.
i also throw my hair on the floor and i put this random curve line to knife,
but i didn't give any hint to people about it.
however i will try this kind of way of showing in future.
artificial city

5 February 2010, today i ate dinner with my friend from Turky, and we talk about city, kind of Vienna, Seoul, Beijing, Istanbul, Roma ,etc.
and so funny thing is system of city represent the character of national,
kind of vienna look like really well arranged , for instance some ring shape of road surround the center of city, also really long stright load connected important building that Kunsthalle, Mumok, or few of traditional and symbolic buildings, only thing need just go a straight, this kind of system or figure of city well connected the mood of nation,
for instance seoul is so funny and interest city,
at first seoul waa quite small but many people started gether at there, and seoul started huge, and almost 2 times bigger than before, Seoul have a big river, the river wide like 1km, it's quite big and long, and at first upper side seoul developed than underside of seoul, many many important traditional buildings are exist these kind of buildings are exist in only this part of seoul, and after that seoul start bigger, but at that time, Korea economy and political and law system are really similar with u,s,a cus, we just follow the system it, cus we are so fastly want to developed and we just follow the big huge and powerful nation without estimation, and south direction of seoul shape of load is like manhattan in NY, very well blocks,
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